Thursday, December 17, 2009

Gem of the Andes--Cuenca, Ecuador

Christmas is coming and my good friends Dean & Bill K. are getting ready to make the big retirement move to Cuenca, Ecuador. (I'm envious, but don't tell them!)

Originally browsing the Internet for an economical place to spend their "golden" years, the Ks were looking at Costa Rica when I first proposed Ecuador to them. Years ago I had discovered that this small, yet huge South American country was beginning to surface as a top contender among economical, charming, civilized retirement spots for the international community. It did not take the Ks long to fall in love (via the Internet) with Ecuador.

They were primarily looking at Quito until I suggested that they look to Cuenca, cultural center of the country. That did it! Experienced world travelers, they knew a gem when they saw it, and they recognized the new home they had been searching for. Dean (like me) hates hot weather, so she is particularly thrilled with the "eternal spring" climate of the 8,300-foot altitude of Cuenca, where it never freezes and rarely gets into the 80s. Bill (looking for challenges) is delighted with the endless opportunities for small businesses and volunteer work. And when they read that the Americans living in the country are not organized into expat enclaves, they saw a wonderful opportunity to immerse themselves in a new way of life.

I occasionally read negative comments about Ecuador, but mostly from people who've never lived abroad or people who are looking for Little America abroad. Legion are the favorable comments about Ecuador--Cuenca, in particular--that describe it as cultured, genteel, picturesque, and friendly to Americans; with a people who are cheerful, hard-working, and welcoming.

Personally, I'm making some retirement plans of my own and look forward to my visit with Dean and Bill!


  1. Ecuador sounds too good to be true! I wonder what your friends will do about medical care.

    Interested Bystander

  2. Medical care in Ecuador is rated very good. It is also quite affordable by U.S. standards. As soon as I get the URL of their blog, I'll post it here and you can ask them yourself.

  3. My friends' blog is ""

    Subscribe and enjoy!
